Whānau Kōrero — Jun 2, 2023

We are fortunate enough to be able to provide all the digital tools needed for learners at school. We appreciate that some learners may need to have a phone with them to use after school hours. If this is the case mobile phones must stay inside school bags during the school day. Smart watches can be worn to school but must not be used for communication during the school day. This includes texts and calls.

If a learner is found to be using a phone without permission the phone will be taken to the school office until the end of the school day. If this is the first time this has happened, the learner will be able to collect the phone themselves. If it happens a second time a parent will need to collect the phone. This also applies to the communication functions of a smartwatch. We recommend having the watch in 'School Mode' during school hours.

Thank you for supporting us with this!