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by Jenni Williams

Descriptive Imaginary Settings

Jenni Williams - November 4, 2023

Rooms 2 and 3 have been describing imaginary settings in their writing. We have focused on including our senses, figurative language, powerful adjectives, fronted adverbials and various sentence starters.

We have a variety of 'Toolbox' items available to prompt and support the class. This helps us  take our writing to the next level.

"It's great having the toolbox items to use, it makes starting way easier."  Bella

"Sometimes I have no idea how to start. The toolbox items give me a place to begin." Brylee

"I use the toolbox items all the time, it really helps me to make my writing better." Jack

Here is Honor's epic description that she created. (Thank you for sharing with us Honor.)  Each day Honor developed her writing using the success criteria, tool box items and by extending yourself.

"Wherever they went, the smells of freshly made food overflowed their noses. People crowded the miniature stalls raving over the delicious mouth - watering food. 

The cosmopolitan neon lights illuminated the crowded streets of Japan. I felt the goosebumps grow on my skin as the crisp icy wind whisked through the bustling streets.

At last the sun started to wake as its rays spread across the morning sky glistening on the stream that ran through the streets waking the fish from their slumber.

Exhausted people emerged from their dens and out into the morning light making their way to work at a leisurely pace.

Decidedly unimpressed, the drained workers migrated to their places of work with gloomy faces. As the day went on tourists made their way through and the streets got busier and busier with people bustling and fumbling around, stopping at every stall eyes wide with exhilaration spending endless amounts of money and standing hours in line hoping to get a taste of the scrumptious, fresh, crisp food."
