Hero photograph
Photo by Kylie Chambers

Cross Country Results 2022

Kylie Chambers —

What a fantastic day for our cross country.

What an amazing cross country - our first without pouring rain or freezing wind for a while. 

We were so impressed with the positive attitude of the children. Many children had personal goals to strive to achieve and did so with a smile on their faces. 

It was lovely to hear their fellow students shouting words of support and encouragement as they ran past.

Huge thanks must go to Alexia who organised the senior cross country, Shane who helped set up the course and parents who helped transport and marshall during the races.

Also special thanks to The Cider Factorie for letting us use their facilities, "Aunty Chrissie" for allowing us access to the course and the Oikimoke Trust for allowing us to use their land. Our cross country course must have the best view in the bay.