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Adding Doubles

Kylie Chambers —

Another great Maths skill to practice with your children is learning to add doubles.

You can start by learning all the doubles to 10   

E.g.  1+1, 2+2, 3+3  etc until they are automatic.

Once the doubles are embedded then we can use those facts to solve other equations by adding or subtracting 1

e.g.   3+4.    If you know 3+3 then you just add 1 more.  or if you know 4+4 just take one away.

The next advanced step is to add two digit doubles. 32+32

30 + 30.  and 2 + 2

Some games you can play:


Memory game - create this game at home.

Image by: Kylie Chambers

Deck of Cards game - have a pile of cards (10) - one person places them down between you and the first person to call out the double of that number and slap the card with a their hand or a fly swat (to make it fun) - wins the card. The person with the most cards wins.