Hero photograph
Photo by Kylie Chambers

"Kua haehae ngā whetu õ Matariki"

Te Waikohua Rata —

Manawātia a Matariki! Nau mai te tau hou Māori! Happy māori New year.

Matariki is a time to gather with whānau and friends to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and plan for the future.

 Although, you may not be able to see Matariki with the naked eye in many places around Aotearoa, some have seen Puanga which is another marker of Matariki. Although the official day off is on the 14th of July Matariki can be celebrated now! 

With the new moon yesterday known as Whiro this is an indication of the beginning of our Māori New Year. We are sitting in Tirea Phase which is the perfect time to set intentions for this coming year and plan forward. 

We have some fantastic kaupapa coming up to explore Matariki and Maramataka, watch this space. 

Here is the writting of Ngawai Nepia and Te Kereihi Tuhakaraina in Te Kakano about Matariki and our moon phase Tirea.

Image by: Kylie Chambers