Hero photograph
Photo by Kylie Chambers

Athletics Days

Kylie Chambers —

Our Athletics events are to be held this week over a variety of days. Whanau members are most welcome to come along and watch their child. 

If you are interested in helping on the day please let your child's class teacher know this week as it will help with our organisation. We always need a hand at the finish line for sprints.

Mon - Yr 0-2    9.15 - 11am

Tues - Yr 5-8.   9.15 - 12n

Thurs - Yr 3/4.  9.15 - 11am

Fri - Sprint finals. 10am - 11am

Please ensure children have a brimmed hat, named water bottle and apply sunblock in the morning. We will reapply sunblock as needed.