Cross Country Training Cancelled
A big thanks to Bec and Kayla for all their efforts so far to inspire our kids to be great runners.
With the school Cross Country scheduled for Week 4 in Term 2, Thursday 21st May, we are very lucky to have Bec Lloyd and Kayla Kerr volunteer to train our tamariki who are keen for extra running.
Meet; by Junior playground.
Time; Every Tuesday, 3pm-3.45pm. (Cancellations will be announced on Skool Loop by 2.30pm.)
Y0-3-with Kayla Kerr, In the school grounds.
(We need parent interaction and support to be tail end charlie).
Y4-8 - with Rebecca Lloyd, On footpaths adjacent to school, as well as school grounds.
(Rebecca will need at least 1 support parent on foot, or bike....not from the car whānau).