Hero photograph
Photo by Steph McGregor

Te Puna Matauranga Noho kei Tutereinga Marae Wahanga 3

Steph McGregor —

Kia ora e te whānau,E mihi ana mātou ngā kaiako ki ngā hunga katoa i whakapau kaha i tēnei noho kei te Marae o Tutereinga.Tuatahi e tuku mihi ki ngā kaiawhina, hoki ki a Whaea Sarah Tangitu mō tōna āwhina i roto i te mahi Tukutuku. Nā mātou te hōnore.Ki a Whaea Mere, he whakawhetai mō tō whakarangatira i te whānau hui ki te kōrero mō te kaupapa o Maramataka. Nā mātou te whiwhi mo tō urunga i waenganui i TPM. He tohunga i tēnei kaupapa, ā, i whakawhanaake te hononga o tātou ki ō tātou tikanga ahurea i runga i ōu mātauranga.Me mihi anō ki a Matua Tamahau mō tōna kōrero whakamārama mō tō tātou waka, arā a Takitimu. I whai wāhi koe ki te kōrero mō ngā haerenga a ō tātou tūpuna, ā, i whakakaha ake i te mōhiotanga ki ō tātou hītori.He mihi tino nui anō ki te whānau o Te Puna Matauranga mō ō koutou āwhi, mō ō koutou wā, ā, mō ō koutou tautoko i roto i te noho whakahirahira nei.

As we wrapped up our term 3 , it was with immense gratitude that we extend our appreciation to all those who made this term 3 noho truly special. Last term was filled with enriching experiences, learning, and a deep connection to our culture, thanks to the incredible support and guidance from our Kaiako at Te Puna Matauranga and. whanau who stepped up to support our unit.We wanted to send a special mihi to those who have assisted us with our art pieces and and stepping into helping shape a promising future for our unit.

First and foremost, a thank you to Whaea Sarah for her tireless dedication in helping us with Tukutuku. Your patience and expertise have allowed us to create beautiful pieces of art that we can be proud of. Your commitment to preserving our traditions is truly inspiring.

To Whaea Mere, we extend a mihi to you for joining our whānau hui and sharing your knowledge about Maramataka. Your wisdom and insights into the Māori lunar calendar have been invaluable, and we look forward to becoming more connected to our original time keeping methods because of your teachings.

We also want to acknowledge Matua Tamahau for his enlightening korero about our waka Takitimu. Your stories and knowledge about our ancestral voyages have left a lasting impression on us, reminding us of the importance of knowing our history.A special thanks goes out to the entire Te Puna Matauranga whānau for their unwavering support, time, and tautoko throughout the entire Noho. 

Kia Whaea Naiomi Huni for being main cook throughout our noho Your commitment to our growth and cultural understanding has made a significant impact on us all.Lastly, we want to express our gratitude to our whānau, kaiako, and everyone involved in making term 3 noho a memorable and enriching experience. 

We hope everyone enjoyed a well-deserved and happy Term 3 holiday, welcome back to Term 4!
Noho ora mai,Ngā kaiako o Te Puna Matauranga.