Emma Lumb — Aug 10, 2021

A key aspect of our Year 12 and 13 wellbeing programme is the selection of ngā kākano options.

This term we will be moving directly into the new kākano schedule in week 5, so students need to choose their kākano for this final block by this Friday, 13th August.

We’re asking ākonga to have a think about the wellbeing plan they made at the start of the year and the wellbeing model that they explored:

~ Is there an area that they could build through one of the kākano?

With exams and final assessments coming up, it's as important as ever that students look after themselves. Would it be more beneficial for them to schedule in a study slot or to prioritise this hour a week as some down-time to give themselves a break? There's also the option to schedule in both a supervised study and a recreational option.

Ngā kākano selections are made through the wellbeing tile on the student portal. There is also a link there to share whakaaro about the structure of the programme as a whole as we are planning for 2022.