Hero photograph
Photo by Fiona Brownlie

The Year 11 Drama production, The Changing Room. Directed by Becca O'Connor

Fiona Brownlie —

The play, The Changing Room, was performed before a live audience in the Cafe during Term 3.

The contemporary play, set around a school trip to a swimming pool, followed a group of excited, impatient, and uncertain teenagers, who tried to decipher where they fit in, and who they want to be. 

The play, written by Chris Bush, with new scenes devised by the Year 11 company, resonated with many in the cast, as identity and low self-esteem is an issue that most can identify with. The group spent hours refining their scenes, learning how to speak, sing and move effectively in unison. The result was a highly engaging and entertaining show, and an impressively cohesive and supportive class. Tino pai to all involved.