Mike Fowler — Mar 16, 2016

Trustees are active leaders in our school. They have an important role supporting strong professional leadership and effective teaching for our students through informed governance. Our Board elections are coming up in May - why not stand as a Parent Trustee?

What do Trustees do?

• Work with the principal and consult with staff, students and the community

• Set the educational goals and strategic direction of the school

• Monitor progress and let parents know how the school is progressing against its annual targets and how well students are achieving.

Who can become a Trustee?

Parents, caregivers and people from the wider community can be nominated for election to a school board.

What two of our current Trustees have to say about Hagley?

"I am passionate about Hagley and feel privileged to be on a Board whose focus reflects dedication to enhancing each student’s learning in such a happy, welcoming environment."
Cat Scott-Hewitt - Parent Representative
"Being on the Board allows me to extend my interest in innovative and diverse education while also helping to make a difference in the lives of our young people."
Sara Gordon - Chairperson

Interested in joining the Hagley Board?

Contact Sara Gordon - Chairperson

 021 0249 2539 or sarahuntlygordon@yahoo.com.au

Learn more at www.trustee-election.co.nz

Nominations close on 20 May.