Hero photograph
Photo by Leoni Combrink

Nau mai, Haere mai te Kaimahi 2020

Ros Jackson —

We welcome to the College the following new Kaimahi:

Chris Smith Māori Language

Emma Dow Physical Education and Health / Sports Manager

Juanita Miln Science / Biology

Cameron Sloan (ITM) Classical Guitar

Manpreet Kaur Mathematics / Computer Science / Laboratory Manager

Vincent Brannigan Computer Science / Robotics

Ruth Gamblin Mathematics

Mary Bock Science / Chemistry

Sandi Harrison CUP

Tracey Pratten Learning Enhancement Assistant

Isaac Keelty ICT (Cyclone)

Sandra Elliott Cafe Front of House / Barista

Hagley College prides itself on excellent kaimahi who make learning accessible to all. The College is enriched by the kaimahi who have joined us in 2020.