Hagley College - part of Central City Kāhui Ako
We are part of a community of learning, or kāhui ako, with four schools [Hagley, Ao Tawhiti, Christchurch East School, Te Pā o Rākaihautū] and twelve early childhood education centres, all located in and around the central city of Christchurch.
The kāhui ako leadership positions are currently being appointed. Mike Fowler is taking on the role of kāhui ako leader, with across-community leads currently being appointed followed by the appointment of in-school roles.
Called Te Taura Here o Ōtautahi Kāhui Ako, our kāhui ako’s name refers to our diverse educational kinship group all located near the centre of Ōtautahi and spanning education from early childhood to Year 14, including adult education. Just as te taura [rope] has many strands, our kāhui ako has many strands each representing one of our diverse educational institutions which bind together to form one strong rope, or community of learning.
The achievement challenges are aligned to our work towards our strategic goals:
Wellbeing: happy, safe and responsible ākonga who are positive and have a strong sense of identity and belonging in Aotearoa.
Future-focused education: communities working collaboratively to contribute to our inner city environment and surrounding areas.
Pathways: ākonga and whānau who successfully transition into our
educational settings, within them and beyond them.
Our kāhui ako acknowledges Ngāi Tūāhuriri as holding manawhenua over the
land of this area. We recognise the importance of the shared cultural
narrative underpinning our work towards the achievement challenges.