Jenni Holden — Jun 1, 2017

Hagley College invites parents, caregivers and whānau to some Coffee Meetings in Term 2.

You are welcome to attend the morning or evening event:

The focus for this term's Coffee Meetings is Health and Wellbeing @ Hagley.

It will be an opportunity to hear about what we cover in the Year 9 and 10 Health programmes and how we teach Health at Hagley. In addition, it is a chance for parents and caregivers to raise topics of interest to them around adolescent health and wellbeing. 

This will also be an opportunity for parents and caregivers to meet our counselling staff: Leanne Buchan who has been with us since early 2016, and Mike Gilchrist who is our newly appointed Head of Guidance. Bridget Salkeld (HOD Health and Physical Education), Rowan Milburn (Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing) and Suzanne Waters (Director of Junior College and Year 11) will also be available. 

There will be two sessions running. Both of these sessions will cover the same information - just choose the time that suits you best.

RSVP: If you wish to attend any of these Coffee Meetings please RSVP by Friday 9th June to Lisa Amer (379 3090 ext 884 or for catering purposes, stating which of the events you plan to attend.


As parking can be difficult at these times, we have made arrangements to cone off some limited onsite parking. This will be sign-posted in the staff parking area of our main carpark off Hagley Ave. There is also a Wilsons carpark on Selwyn Street near the corner of our campus.