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Photo by Leoni Combrink

NCEA Changes for 2024

Hayden Shaw —

2024 will see the start of a change process for NCEA, which is being rolled out nationally. Initially most of the changes to NCEA will be experienced at Level 1 (Year 11).

This will see changes to some learning content and the standards used to assess the learning. Our teachers are putting in a lot of work to get these new courses ready for the start of next year. Students will still do exams and internal assessments throughout the year, like projects and reports, but other forms of assessment, like portfolios showing evidence of learning taken over a longer period, will also be used. At each level, students will be required to gain 60 credits to achieve.

Another change is the way that Literacy and Numeracy are now being assessed. This will now be done by students doing Numeracy, Reading and Writing tests. Some of our Year 10’s trialled this new approach in June and the rest of our Year 10 cohort will take part in these tests in early November. Changes to Level 2 (Year 12) and Level 3 (Year 13) will come into effect in 2026 and 2027.

To find out more about the changes to NCEA please click on this link – Changes to NCEA 2024