Anna Williams — Jul 10, 2016

On the afternoon of Friendship Day, all year 9 classes joined together for the delivery of cards and gifts. It’s fun to see the students embrace the intent of the day, which is to be appreciative of the kind words written and acknowledge friendships they have developed throughout the year.

The Health focus for all Year 9 classes in Term two has been on relationships. As part of this unit students have been recognising and celebrating the significant relationships they have in their life, including at school and home and ideally finding ways to strengthen these. Some activities during the term include writing friendship stories and sending letters home, acknowledging and appreciating some of these relationships.

The highlight of this unit is our annual Friendship Day. Cards are designed early in the term by the students, and winning designs are made into postcards to use for friendship day. Every student in Year 9 had the opportunity to send a friendship card to three friends in the Junior College, as well an allocated ‘secret buddy’ in their form class, and two staff members. The Health Department provided gifts to be attached for every secret buddy, as well as a chosen friend and staff member. This year the gifts were all ethical choices, sustainable and NZ made, and included stationery and a range of healthy snacks.

On the afternoon of Friendship Day all year 9 classes joined together for the delivery of cards and gifts. It’s fun to see the students embrace the intent of the day, to be appreciative of the kind words written and acknowledge friendships they have developed throughout the year.