Hero photograph
Photo by Mike Fowler

Community of Learning developments

Mike Fowler —

Our kāhui ako team have been researching our school community’s experiences of remote learning during lockdown and plan to use the findings to improve teaching and learning at Hagley.

The Hagley team has been looking at how the benefits of approaches developed during lockdown can be applied to improve teacher practice and student learning now that we’re back on site. The team will share their findings during term 3 as well as other first steps to address our community of learning's achievement challenges. This work will be closely aligned with our school's strategic goals and current major initiatives.

Hagley's kāhui team

Hagley's within-school kāhui ako teachers are Naomi Milner, Lesley Cowie, Dale Leckie, Sarah Parder, Jo Eaton, Angela Brett and Rebecca Donaldson. Across-school teachers from Hagley are Nathan Walsh, Jocelyn Wright and Jasmine Lambert. Mike Fowler is the Community of Schools Leader.

Both in-school and across-school teachers are focused on meeting the Community of Learning's achievement challenges within Hagley, with the across school teachers having additional responsibilities for planning and leading initiatives across our kāhui ako.

Our shared achievement challenges are:

Wellbeing: happy, safe and responsible ākonga who are positive and have a strong sense of identity and belonging in Aotearoa.

Future-focused education: communities working collaboratively to contribute to our inner city environment and surrounding areas.

Pathways: ākonga and whānau who successfully transition into our educational settings, within them and beyond them. 

Which schools and Early Childhood Education Centres are in our kāhui ako?

Our kāhui ako is made up of Christchurch East School, Ao Tawhiti, Te Pā o Rākaihautū, Hagley College, and the following early childhood education centres: Active Explorers Central City, Au Pair Link, Ara Early Learning Centre, Hagley Community Preschool, Beststart Parkside, Beststart Salisbury Street, Co Kids, Grow Early Learning Centre, Rangi Ruru Early Learning Centre, and Millie’s House.