Darryl Low — Sep 10, 2018

With Term One and a successful Scene+ season safely under our belts, Term Two saw us focus on the first major plays of the year.

Dreams in White by Duncan Graham was up first – a gripping tale of a man who managed to lead two very different lives. Based on a true story, Dreams in White, (directed by Cameron Mattox) followed the interactions of property developer Michael White and when he disappears his family and “friends” begin to piece together exactly what he has done.

Also possibly based on a true story was the next major season – Stop.Rewind by Australian author Melissa Bubnic and directed by Darryl Low. Set in a small council office we follow six workers as they trudge through their daily, mundane lives. With the addition of a tell-all chorus we get insight into how each of the characters actually feels about their lives and co-workers.

No rest for the wicked as the Company launched into Gi60x, the international one-minute play festival. Playing over two nights, this festival featured original writing and directing from our students and also provided a platform for students from Ara (NZ Broadcasting School) to jump on board and film the season for later viewing. Whilst this was our last Gi60x entry we will be back in 2019 with a similar but expanded format that will also include Dance, Music and Film.

As Term Three draws to a close we have had a further two major play seasons, been involved in the Voices Festival and are gearing up for Dance performances and a final Scene+ to round out the year. On top of all of that, applications are starting to come in for 2019 so we are just busy enough…