Mike Fowler — Aug 12, 2021

Having access to our two new hubs, Auripo and Wainuku, during term 4 2022 means that we can start work on the next stage of our redevelopment master plan.

We’ve just had confirmation from the Ministry of Education to begin planning and consenting work for:

shown in the yellow highlighted areas above.

These pre-construction stages take considerable time, so to get them underway while Auripo and Wainuku are being completed is a real advantage. By having these projects at a ‘shovel ready’ stage, we’ll be in a position to move forward quickly when MOE funding becomes available. We’re looking forward to starting detailed planning work as soon as possible.

We’re also keen to complete plans for the green space, Waipapa, in front of the main building.

Display boards about our redevelopment will be in the foyer of our main building soon.