Robert Hutterd — Sep 21, 2023

"Despite all I have seen and experienced, I still get the same simple thrill out of glimpsing a tiny patch of snow in a high mountain gully and feel the same urge to climb towards it." Edmund Hillary

Image by: Robert Hutterd

During the year, Hagley students are exposed to a wide range of opportunities. This one is particularly memorable. The students are physically, and sometimes emotionally challenged, but the reward of a beautiful sunrise in the mountains, and the summiting of Hamilton peak will be remembered by these young people for a very long time. As part of our annual snowcraft trip to Craigieburn ski area the students build confidence in an alpine environment, learning how to move safely on snow, make shelter, and learn some skills required when things don’t go to plan. We look forward to the next adventure together in term four.

Here is a short video.

Image by: Robert Hutterd

Image by: Robert Hutterd
Image by: Robert Hutterd
Image by: Robert Hutterd
Image by: Robert Hutterd