Mike Fowler — Jun 9, 2021

We're part of a community of four schools and 12 early childhood education centres. Many of the kāhui ako initiatives are focused on improving pathways for our students.

We want our students to successfully transition into our secondary education. Running alongside our extensive induction for our 2022 Year 9s, our kāhui ako is gathering ākonga and whānau voice about their transition experiences.

We're interested in transitions from secondary to tertiary study too through our fastpath pathway into engineering programme, run in collaboration with UC. This offers opportunities to students who previously had perceived barriers to a tertiary pathway, preparing them for tertiary study in UC engineering through a hybrid short duration curriculum delivered both face to face and in digital formats.

Pathways for our English language learners [ELL] through our kura began with the co-teaching of a shared class of transitioning ELL students and sharing successful strategies. This programme has now moved to integrating with the school wide academic literacy programme to share recommendations and good practices to help our ELL students move successfully through our senior college.

You can find our more about our kāhui ako here on our Hagley website.