The Learning Communities Team — Aug 11, 2016

In Term 2, 2016 the Muslim community in the world celebrates Ramadan, so do the students at the Homework Centre. The month of Ramadan starts from 6th June 2016 till 8th July 2016. We learn more about the act of fasting among the Muslim students and staff.

We know that Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, improvement and devotion, and worship. In addition to refraining from eating and drinking, Muslims are urged to practice self-control, self-discipline and empathy for those who are less fortunate, hence encouraging actions of kindness and compulsory charity. We appreciate the discipline shown by students who came regularly to the Centre even though they had to be away from home at the time of breaking fast.

To support them and the staff who were breaking fast while attending the Homework Centre, we arranged for some light refreshments every night for the whole month. Many appreciated the fruits, banana cakes, dates, tea, coffee and fruit juice provided. We hope that they had a good EID celebration!