Emma Lumb — Sep 19, 2023

Our January Intensive programme gives students who missed UE (University Entrance) or other tertiary course entry requirements the opportunity to catch up on a small number of credits in time for first semester study.

Image by: Leoni Combrink

Because of the short timeframe we are limited to enrolling students who need only 6-8 credits. We open for enrolments once NCEA results are released.

Specific subject availability will be confirmed in Term 4, but we plan to offer a good range of UE approved subjects, as well as standards that count for UE literacy and numeracy. For subjects that we are not able to offer, Te Kura or Logan Park may be able to offer standards in their online programmes.

I was speaking with the Accommodation Manager at Otago University recently. He reiterated how important it is that, if students for whatever reason don’t complete their university entrance, they need to be in good communication with the Halls teams about plan B and how that progresses. If you have been accepted for a Hall of Residence but miss UE, you need to be in touch and stay in touch directly with the warden. If you are on the Halls waiting list, you need to be in touch and stay in touch with the university accommodation staff.

Longer-term Catch Up

For students who require more than 6-8 credits we are able to offer enrolments in our Senior College with individualised programmes, with options of part-time study either for the full year or aiming for semester two tertiary course entry.

Certificate in University Preparation (CUP)

The University of Canterbury’s CUP is another option, being a full-time, one semester, non-NCEA pathway to study at university. Enrolments are through the UC website: Certificate in University Preparation | University of Canterbury | University of Canterbury

The compulsory course in CUP, TRNS001 Academic writing and study skills course is offered at Te Puna Wai o Waipapa - Hagley College with intakes starting in February and June, with UC credit transfer for TRNS001. This means that students could opt to do this paper (TRNS001) with us then complete the full certificate at UC at a later date. This is also a great way to get a taste for uni-level study, as part of a gap year or if students want to build confidence and skills before degree-level enrolments.

Ara also has a range of one semester Career and Study Preparation courses specific to each pathway.

Please contact transitionsteam@hagley.school.nz if you have any questions, or keep an eye on the College website for further details.