Rowan Milburn — Mar 29, 2020

You will have been inundated with how to best get through these difficult times and I don’t intend to complicate things with more advice. In the nature of keeping it simple, here are some options for supporting your young person.

If you need some help or advice with learning or wellbeing:

School contacts – your child’s tutor is always the first point of contact with the College. The tutor can then direct your request for support or advice to the most appropriate person for you.

Extra support – our Guidance Team are working to support our young people that require extra support. If your child already sees a Hagley counsellor they are likely to have contact details for that counsellor and we would encourage students to get in touch as our counsellors will be working remotely after the holidays. If your young person doesn’t see a counsellor and you as a parent, or your young person, wants to see a counsellor then the best form of contact is to email Illa Russell on as she is co-ordinating the bookings for the counsellors.

Also, see the details below for additional support outside of the College: 

If you need some activities for your teenagers to get them off screens and covering the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ see this link for a document to help guide teenagers' free time: click here.

Supporting our Community with affordable Wi-Fi – if you know someone that could benefit from $5 deals for 30GB data with Skinny Jump Wi-Fi please share the link:

This is a not-for-profit service to provide internet for those at risk of digital exclusion. It is prepaid, no contracts and no credit checks!

Kia kaha e te whānau