Hero photograph

Sebastian Smith raising money for SurfAid

Rowan Milburn —

Sebastian Smith is a young man with big goals. I met him on one of his first days at our kura when he rocked up for the Peer Support Camp in the school carpark bound for Hanmer Springs.

It always amazes me how young people take that opportunity when they don’t know anyone and immerse themselves straight in a camp such as that. If a student can get over the initial stress around putting themselves in that sort of situation it is always seen as a really great way to get to know people and what we are about as a school. Sebastian was no different! You would never have known he was new! Now I know more about him, I can see why this worked out perfectly for him.

Anyway... Sebastian got in touch about promoting his September challenge where he intended on surfing every day to raise funds for remote communities in the Pacific. He first found out about the idea through a couple of friends in Australia who were doing the same thing. He explained to me that if he was to post a video each day that he needed to have a strong social media following and thought the time was right as it had increased a bit over the last while! Sebastian injured his knee, so he quickly pivoted to exercising everyday as surfing was out for a bit. His aim is to raise $10,000 for these communities. The money will go directly to SurfAid and through that provide clean water, sanitation and health care in these communities. Sebastian explained to me that this organisation is in favour of giving a hand up, not a hand out, which looks like training people up to help out in their own communities to make the change more sustainable. Why the Pacific? Well, it is on our doorstep and New Zealand has a strong connection with the Pacific.

Sebastian Smith raising money for SurfAid – @5ebastian_5mith on Instagram and tiktok

Like to donate to his cause: https://makeawave.co/sebastian-smith.

To watch his surf video and introduction: https://youtube.com/shorts/SUJEhdLmDzQ?si=9Ta45ngc6MM1CezK

I was interested in how Sebastian ended up at Te Puna Wai o Waipapa and indeed it is a super interesting story. He arrived at the start of this year for his Year 13 year. He came from Australia and mostly came here as he wanted to study law at the University of Canterbury. His mum did her Masters at UC and dad is at Lincoln University. Christchurch was a good fit!

Sebastian likes it here - in particular he has enjoyed the opportunity to do a STAR course at UC in Political Science. He has found the workload of doing a UC course ok, but at times has found the Political Science topics on the stressful side! He has enjoyed the chilled out nature of Hagley as it reminds him a bit of his schooling in rural Queensland.

Sebastian is not bothered by change. Due to the nature of his parents work he has lived in many places and experienced many types of schools. One highlight of this time was when Sebastian described living in Victoria near the famous Bells Beach which co-incided with just after a main lockdown. Having access to that break with very few around was an awesome opportunity for a young surfer! He expressed to me what a priveldge it has been to see lots of different places and to be in lots of different types of schools.

Sebastian’s long term goal is to combine his passion for music and making films with his goal of studying law and business. He isn’t sure how that all fits together but I have a feeling he will make it happen in some way, shape or form. His overall goal is to make a positive impact in whatever he does.

It was so great to meet Sebastian and have a decent chat! I say this all the time but it is the best part of my job and I am so lucky that students want to share their stories and I am again blown away by their compassion and willingness to make a difference. Our young people often get a hard time and quite frankly none of that is true! Here is another example of a student with big goals and a plan to achieve them!

All the best with raising $10,000, Sebastian! Get on board Te Puna Wai o Waipapa whānau and support this great cause!

Rowan Milburn
