Hagley to be anchor community partner in the new Multicultural Centre
The Christchurch Netball Centre in South Hagley Park is set to become a community recreation, sports and multicultural centre and our school is to have a key role in its development.
There is plenty of community support to create a centre at the heart of Christchurch where people of all backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities can socialise, come together for cultural celebrations, for recreation, and simply to enjoy life. Hagley has been chosen for a founding partner role because of our long history in multicultural education and support.
As we become an increasingly diverse society, the Multicultural Centre could become a flagship for similar projects around New Zealand.
The Christchurch City Council is currently negotiating with the Christchurch Netball Centre to purchase the building. Netball is moving to new faciilties at the Ngā Puna Wai Sports Hub.