Vicki Dixon — Jul 10, 2021

The inaugural showcase of Tīaho was held on July 9.

This show stemmed from an idea to express the cultural influences and diversity that make Te Puna Wai o Waipapa Hagley College such a vibrant and united community. In the process of creating Tīaho, we had to ask the question “What is culture?” By presenting this task to our designers, we examined issues of cultural appropriation and identity. This was an emotional pathway for many, a rediscovery for some and a sense of belonging for others. Designers were pushed to look at their place in the world now and how that connects with their whakapapa. We would like to acknowledge the bravery of our designers for taking that long, hard look in the mirror and for sharing their stories with us. “Ka Puāwai te koru, ka puāwai te tangata" - as the koru unfurls, so does the person.

The evening was supported by the Te Puna Wai o Waipapa Kapa Haka and the creations of the Te Puna Wai o Waipapa preschool.

The award winners are as follows:

This award was created by our judges for the student who communicated a personal and emotional connection to their culture through their story and garment.

This award is presented to the senior student who has demonstrated tuakana teina in giving willingly and consistently to support and encourage other students reach their potential. This student has earned this award by being consistently generous with both their time and knowledge- giving up to three hours of their week over the last two terms to help the junior students achieve their goal of creating an entry for this awards show.