the Learning Communities Team — Sep 18, 2016

On Tuesday evening 16 August 2016 Hagley College had another NCEA/Careers and Pathways night at the Multi-Ethnic Homework Centre.

Teachers presented information on NCEA and how to achieve at each level (credits, achieved, merit and excellence). There was a group of high school students from schools around Christchurch, including Avonside Girls, Boys High, Hagley College, Burnside High School, Papanui High School and more.

The presentation also included the differences between Certificate, Diploma, and Degree courses and the different entry requirements. The group examined several pathways and what was needed to enter the programmes. Areas explored included nursing, IT, plumbing, law and culinary.

The group found the entry requirements for each pathway, and looked at NCEA levels, literacy, maths, IELTS and important subjects for each area of study. This gave students a sampling of different pathways and a better understanding of what tertiary institutions are asking for from prospective students.

While the careers and pathways sessions were happening, other education activities were taking place in the classrooms next door for primary and intermediate aged students.

A group of women from refugee backgrounds were working together in Hagley College’s commercial kitchen making kumara soup from scratch. The room was buzzing on this wintery Tuesday night. While their children were attending Homework Centre, these women were working on their own literacy skills by learning to cook New Zealand foods.

In other classrooms, primary and intermediate students from all over Christchurch were working on their literacy, maths and computing skills. This event happens every Tuesday and Wednesday evening at Hagley College.

The multi-ethnic Homework Centre is about much more than homework.