Hero photograph
Photo by Leoni Combrink


Claire Jones —

“How can the Career’s staff help me right now?”

Not returning to Hagley next year?

Come to the Careers office and talk to Kim or Claire on what’s available at other places of study. Or perhaps you’re going to work… let’s make sure that CV is up to the job! There are many options open to you for next year, now is the time to apply for 2024. Even if you change your mind later on, it’s easier to withdraw from a course than try and find something last minute.

University and general Careers advice

Contact Kim Swann for university advice – scholarships and Halls of Residence, applying and course selection and Te Kura correspondence courses: kim.swann@staff.hagley.school.nz

Contact Claire Jones for tertiary and vocational course advice at ARA, Vision College, NTA, SIT and dual enrolment: claire.jones@staff.hagley.school.nz

Finding a job and where to look

Dual Enrolment for 2024 – learn the basics of a trade as well as being at school next year. Come and find out more in Careers

Credits for your driver’s licence – got a learner's, restricted or full? Show us your licence and get credits… just like that. Easy as.

Bites – weekly newsletter sent to tutors, Year 11, 12 and 13 students (school email). Make sure you are getting all the up-to-date information on courses, when to apply for uni, getting credits and all things careers every week during Terms 2, 3 and 4.

Diary Dates

Paramedics Visit to Careers – come and find out what it takes to become a paramedic on Friday 13 October at lunchtime in the Careers Room

ARA visit to Hagley in Term 4 – Thursday 12 October 11am -1pm – your chance to talk to ARA staff about courses and how to apply for next year.

Look out for the ARA scholarships to apply for now. Head to the ARA website for details.