Tony Wright — Sep 18, 2023

NEWSFLASH: An upcoming and exciting opportunity for all Year 10s in Term 4 – SCHOOL CAMP!

Camp will take place at the Wainui camping ground, Banks Peninsula. This is an opportunity for Year 10s to celebrate the end of the year and enjoy some different activities. The aim is for students to try a variety of things, some of which may push their comfort zones. The camp runs from 20-24 November, with the first group of classes heading over on Monday and returning Wednesday, and the second group heading over on Wednesday and returning on Friday.

Students will be camping in tents and will need appropriate gear for this (i.e. a tent - these can be shared, but we cannot take large multi-room tents; a sleeping bag etc) so this is a good time to start checking what is available at home and borrowing if necessary. There will be exciting activities including coasteering, kayaking, orienteering, and the ‘Big Swing’.

Our expectation is that all Year 10s will attend the camp. If anyone is overly anxious about staying overnight, please email the tutor so this can be discussed, and possible alternatives arranged.

The subsidised cost to families for camp is a $100.00 donation. Please be assured that if any family is unable to pay the donation the student can still go on camp. If anyone is in a position to "Pay it Forward" and can contribute more than the $100 then we would be exceedingly grateful for that!!

The camp will be DEVICE FREE for all students – this means no phones, no laptops, no tablets etc. Please be assured that the benefits of device-free living for a couple of days will far outweigh any twinges of worry students might have about this!! Staff will, of course, carry cellphones at all times as part of our safety plans.

An e-mail, with a link to the Camp Permission Form will be sent to Year 10 parents shortly.