Hero photograph
Photo by Leoni Combrink

Peer Support

Emma Lumb —

For the first term of each year, senior students have the opportunity to participate in the Peer Support Programme, helping our new Year 9 ākonga with the transition to high school.

This involves senior students planning and implementing sessions to help our new Year 9 students to connect with each other and our school.

Training takes place at our three-day camp in Hanmer Springs before the start of the school year. The purpose of the camp is to provide opportunities for students to develop their leadership, as well as best preparing them for the 2023 Peer Support Programme. It’s also a great way to make new connections with other senior students.

In 2023, we also have the Future Leaders (FLD1) course running for the first semester. It’s two hours per week, and you can take it on top of your full-time programme. Contact Nathan Walsh if you have any questions. If you have enrolled into FLD1, there is an expectation that you will attend the Peer Support Camp.

Permission forms for the camp were due back to the Enrolment Centre by Wednesday, 9th November. Please be in touch if finances are a barrier to you coming along. If you have any enquiries (especially about late registrations) please contact Emma Lumb as soon as possible.