Mike Fowler — Apr 4, 2019

Hagley's ongoing commitment to celebrate diversity and to embrace all ethnic communities has been further reaffirmed as the Board of Trustees gives its commitment to establish a multicultural hub on the school site.

It has been a long held dream for us to help build a place for people from a variety of cultures in our community who call Christchurch home. It is a place for all of Christchurch to celebrate cultural diversity.

The College is proposing to build the multicultural hub on its Hagley site and is seeking funding from others to make it a reality. This is an incredible opportunity for other partners to join us to show immediate support for our diverse communities.

It is a privilege to be in the position to further support our refugee and migrant communities, as we know the importance of belonging.

As a first for a New Zealand city, the multicultural hub will be a flagship. It is a timely and appropriate opportunity to develop a regional hub for culturally and linguistically diverse communities of all ages. The hub offers dedicated spaces for education, community strengthening, social and financial well-being capacity building, with flexible office space for various agencies from educational, public and civil sectors.

Key hub features
