Mike Fowler — Oct 19, 2021

Meng Foon recently visited Hagley to talk with students to help develop the national action plan against racism.

Meng is leading the Human Rights Commission in engaging with the public over the best action to take to eliminate racism. The plan against racism will then be adopted and monitored by government.

Meng and his team talked with a diverse group of our students and staff and asked them these questions: What is their vision for a New Zealand that is free of racism? What difference would a racism-free New Zealand make to their lives? What are your best ideas to enable us to be free of racism?

Meng used the saying ‘culture will eat strategy for breakfast’ to describe how the environment, or culture, in a school, workplace or home is the foundation for eliminating racism. He acknowledged how disruptive and toxic racism can be, identifying racism as the reason behind 50% of the complaints the Race Relations Commission receives.

Meng was presented with a Tuakana Taina taonga, an award reserved to recognise the mana of our distinguished visitors. Tuakana Taina reflects the story behind Hagley’s values, where the tuakana [the older koru fern] nurtures the taina [the younger fern] as it grows and flourishes. Mana, or respect, is a central value at Hagley and it also sits at the heart of eliminating racism.