Robyn Peterson — Oct 17, 2019

Hagley Adult Literacy Centre (HALC) and Hagley College (English Language Learning and After 3 classes) marked the Festival of Adult Learning during the first week of September, with over 400 people involved.

This Festival celebrates Adult Learning wherever it is happening: at home, at the library community centre, or at a training organisation. At HALC, each class hosted a new learning opportunity - board games, learning to play the ukulele, dancing for exercise and writing your name in different languages - Tibetan, Chinese, Farsi and Japanese. A marvellous cake provided by ACE Aotearoa was shared by all, and Ros Jackson presented a certificate to Roz Beyers, our 'Outstanding Tutor' for the year. 

A number of our community classes joined in the festivities, while our Wigram class celebrated in their community. Workplace learners were presented with chocolate to recognise their efforts as Adult Learners. The ELL department combined classes and chose an activity to participate in: watch a movie, go on a city walk and have coffee, or play badminton and table tennis. On the Tuesday they celebrated by sharing cake. 

After 3 teachers and learners celebrated by combining classes and focusing on the synergies that exist between them. For example, the nutrition class, dance class and yoga class worked together and looked at how they were inter-linked for overall wellbeing and hauora. Learners also learnt and practiced greetings in a variety of languages, which resulted in a lot of fun and laughter and increased awareness of other languages. Each After 3 class was given a box of chocolates to share.