Ekaterina Salikova — Feb 1, 2017

In September, nine of us from different countries went to the Plains FM radio station together with our class teacher, Kay McGowan.

We made a short radio show for people who are new to New Zealand. We were talking about places to go in Christchurch. It was our first experience on the radio. We were really excited and nervous while we were doing this show. However, in the station there was a really calming atmosphere and it helped us to relax. It was great speaking practice and also a really fantastic experience for us.

We also recorded a show with a variety of musical genres, showcasing music from our home countries the following month.

We strongly recommend all ELL [English Language Learning] students take part if an opportunity is given.

We really enjoyed it and we are looking forward to our next show!

Written by Ekaterina Salikova, 12EFU