Tertiary Pathways
It has been a busy few weeks for Tertiary Pathways.
With the release of NCEA results on January 14th we opened enrolments for our Catch Up College January Intensive. This programme offers students who are within 8 credits of UE or tertiary course entry requirements the chance to complete in time for first semester entry. A huge thank you to all the fantastic support staff and teachers who again were wrenched away from their holidays for our early start. We enrolled over 100 students in the Intensive programme. They – and their families – are so appreciative of the Catch Up programme we’re able to offer.
The start of Senior College classes brought with it the beginning of our new Tertiary Preparation course. This Wednesday afternoon class provides students who are planning to go on to tertiary study in 2021 opportunities to develop skills and confidence in reading and writing for tertiary study. We’ll be covering reading strategies, source evaluation, essay planning and writing, oral and poster presentation, citations and referencing, forum participation skills, learning and study strategies, and approaches to exams.
We are also busy with continuing enrolments for our partnership programme, the University of Canterbury’s Certificate in University Preparation (CUP). CUP classes start with an orientation at University of Canterbury on February 24th. The overall certificate has been restructured this year. Alongside the academic writing and study skills course that Hagley teaches, there are a bunch of new courses available, so we are looking forward to the students engaging with lots of exciting ideas.