Hero photograph

Kerrin Dawe

Sarah Parder —

We have two long-serving staff members leaving at the end of the term.

After more than 30 years of dedicated service to teaching, it's time for us to bid farewell to Kerrin Dawe as she embarks on the exciting journey of retirement. She has been an integral part of our Learning Support team for 15 years and has contributed immensely to supporting some of our most complex learners.

Throughout her tenure, Kerrin has exemplified Te Puna Wai o Waipapa's values of equity and inclusion. She always works hard to ensure the students she is working with have every opportunity possible. Her dedication, professionalism, and empathy towards students and their whānau has meant her students know they are part of Te Puna Wai o Waipapa and are just as important as everyone else.

Kerrin’s primary work has been in supporting our ORS learners. Authentically advocating for the students, Kerrin has coordinated supports, educated staff and built very real on-going connections with whānau. It’s not unusual for a student to come looking for Kerrin, seeking her support and guidance. We often see older ex-students returning to Te Puna Wai o Waipapa to share their new successes with Kerrin. This is a real testament to the impact she has had on their lives.

What do we love about Kerrin? Her commitment, her kindness and care and her enthusiasm for learning. What will we miss? Her sage advice and guidance, her understanding of parental perspectives and the special connection she makes with the students she works with. Those of us who share an office with her will miss the Irish dancing music blasting from her phone, her fasting Thursdays (we won’t be following that!) and once she’s gone, for special occasions we will have to move away from Kerrin’s Champagne taste to a more affordable cask wine (and cheese) budget.

We want to express our deepest gratitude for Kerrin’s service and commitment to education and to Te Puna Wai o Waipapa. Best of luck Kerrin - we hope you and Chris have a wonderful retirement celebration in Vietnam!