Hero photograph

If you go down to the woods today…

Robyn Davison —

Year 9 & 10 students taking the 'Deconstruct, Reconstruct' class as their Kete Wana option have been busy this term. As part of our study on thinking of sustainability we look at a wide range of issues [global, national and local] and we use the 6R’s as a practical thinking tool; Reduce, Reuse, Refuse, Recycle, Rethink, Repair.

The Rethink and Reuse tasks have seen the class have fun making sock monkeys, learning machine and hand sewing skills while demonstrating their own design flair, using scrap fabric, buttons, and embroidery thread to turn a pair of socks into a safe toy for children.

On completion, the sock monkeys mysteriously appeared around the school.

Our next project is to visit the Op Shop to recycle textile items and garments into new products.