Rowan Milburn — Aug 21, 2023

What a great night it was last night at Cowles Stadium!

On Monday 21st August, Te Puna Wai o Waipapa - Hagley College took out the girls' trophy by beating Ashburton College convincingly 68-40. Well done to the girls and coach Will Smit. It was an outstanding effort. Lily Tonascia had a great game and was awarded the MVP.

Image by: Leoni Combrink

Then came the boys! After watching Hornby’s warm up I thought we were in for a tough game. We played out of our skin and took the game comfortably in the end 89-71. Tyler Fairweather-Salkeld was named MVP, putting on an absolute show! He was outstanding and well supported by his team mates, too. Big congratulations to the boys and their coaches Anna and Bridget who do an amazing job with this team both on and off the court!

To all of the support that showed up, thank you for representing our school so well! To the coaches and players, I am most proud of the way we played, not just the result. We are fair, respectful and competitive opposition. What more could you want?

Interestingly, we are the first school to do the double on the same night… ever…! We will always be the first to do that!