by Leoni Combrink

Staff leaving Hagley at the end of 2019

Ros JacksonDecember 12, 2019

On Friday, 6th December, we said haere rā to a number of Hagley staff.

Ken Cartwright, who has been teaching at Hagley for 22 years, is a wonderful art Kaiako. Ken has had to cut his time at Hagley short due to ill health, and we send our warm love and hope as he battles from day to day. Ken started at Hagley after a career as a psychiatric nurse at Sunnyside, and he became a very successful national moderator for Art in NZ. His services to our Art department have been sorely missed, as has his cheerful ‘just get on and do it’ attitude. Ken has taught Art History and Painting right through from junior Year 9 art to Year 13. His students have had a very knowledgeable and creative Kaiako, and colleagues and students alike will miss Ken.

Carmen Kenton, our learning leader of Science, who was seconded to Kaha Education (professional learning provider) for the last two years, has now taken up an ongoing position with Kaha. Carmen came to us from Rangiora High School 12 years ago and took the Science Department to new places, introducing the Science capabilities in the Junior College, sharpening up the programmes and allowing for ākonga voice in many aspects of the science lessons. Carmen was instrumental in collaborating with Te Pa O Rākaihautū Year 6 students and the Water Warriors. Our Year 9 rangatahi taught the Year 6 students science and Te Pa taught our Year 9 rangatahi te reo. This was based around the health of the Hagley park stream. We wish Carmen success in the future and know she will be integrating digital technology in an exciting way.

Carolyn Green is leaving Hagley to take up the HOD Science role at Rolleston College. In her 11 years at Hagley, Carolyn has completed study in leadership, so she is all set for this leadership challenge. Carolyn is an all-rounder who has the ability to teach English, Physics and Biology, as well as using her art skills to introduce art and science this year in Kete Wana. Carolyn worked with Carmen to integrate the capability skills into junior science and has helped move these capabilities into the senior science courses as well. We wish Carolyn all the best for her new position.

Ilana Moir, our PE/Health Kaiako, has secured a position at Rangiora High School. We will miss Ilana, who has a long association with Hagley as she started here as a Year 9 rangatahi. Ilana has taught in both ESOL/ELL and PE/Health as well as our Outdoor Education Classes. Ilana is well organised and a great Kaiako and she will be a real asset at Rangiora. All the best, Ilana.

Marc Alexander, School of Cuisine, is leaving Hagley after nearly 10 years to take up a position in Queensland, Australia. Marc came to Hagley with a solid background and experience as a French chef and was able to impart this depth of knowledge and skills to his ākonga. We wish Marc well for his future in teaching in Australia.

Alan Dixon, Itinerant Music Kaiako ITM of classical guitar. Alan is leaving us and his Christchurch schools after 6 years with Forte to retire. Alan has been very successful in maintaining classical guitar at a time when bass and electric guitar have proved more popular with ākonga, and he has left the classical guitar scene in Christchurch in a very healthy place. Alan plans to build a light plane and we wish him well in this endeavour.

Julie Mitchell, Teacher Aide and International ākonga organiser, is leaving Hagley after 11 years due to ill health. We will miss Julie, who had the ability to get many jobs completed in her energetic and systematic way before her health issues put a stop to this. Julie organised the home stays and programme for our short term Japanese student visits and she was a strong teacher aide in the Learning Enhancement team.

The following kaimahi are leaving, having spent 4 years with us:

Johnathon Markham, IT, left us to spread his wings in the IT business.

Fong Chong is leaving to take a position in the Computer Science team at Middleton Grange.

Thi Phan, Diversity Support Manager, is moving to Wellington.

We wish them all the best in their future positions.

Leaving us after one year or less are the following:

Veronica Tong, Café assistant

Molly McLaren, Sports/Recreation assistant

Manu Somerville, Science, leaving to take up a permanent Science position in Greymouth

Ash Perry, Teacher Aide and Drum Kaiako, who is going to study Music Therapy at Victoria University

Stephen Dickson, Mathematics, who relieved for Angela Brett (maternity leave)

We also celebrate the Kaiako listed below who have graduated after 2 years to become fully registered Kaiako.

Provisionally Certified Teachers/Kaiako PCT

Carl Chung, Daniel Wiseman, Ciaran Searle, Lindis Chetwynd, Anna Holmes, Kerrin Brizzel and Vincent Leahy ITM.

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