by Rebecca Donaldson

Year 10 Camp

Rebecca DonaldsonDecember 11, 2019

This year our Year 10 camp moved to a new venue at the Wainui YMCA Park Camp and, for many ākonga and kaiako, it was the highlight of the year.

Ākonga were given the opportunity to experience a range of outdoor activities including the exhilirating big swing, coasteering and kayaking. It was great to see ākonga step out of their comfort zone to challenge themselves. It was also awesome to see people shine outside the classroom, whether they were leaping off high rocks into freezing cold water or offering to help around camp. Ākonga were very appreciative of the time and effort put in by kaiako and at one memorable campfire performed an impromptu haka to show their appreciation. Many thanks to Tony Wright for coordinating this year's camp.

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