Andy Johnson by Leoni Combrink

Welcome to our new staff at Hagley College for 2018

Ros JacksonFebruary 7, 2018

Andy Johnson is our new teacher of Motion Graphics/Animation at Hagley.

We welcomed Andy Johnson to Te Puna Wai o Waipapa (Hagley College) at the beginning of Term 4 2017. Andy joined the College as Kaiako (teacher) of Motion Graphics/Animation. Andy is enjoying being a member of the Art department under the leadership of Peter Gibson and feels he has been very well supported by Peter and the Art team in his transition to Te Puna. Before Hagley, Andy taught at Diocesan School for Girls in Auckland for nearly two years but decided to move to Christchurch to seek a new challenge in his teaching programme and because he has whānau here. Andy is the partner of artist Julia Holderness and they have a young son named Felix who is 18 months old.

Andy spent 15 years in the digital visual communications industry working for the BBC, advertising agencies and on films such as “Harry Potter” and “Batman.” This experience means Andy brings a wealth of knowledge to the programmes he delivers at Hagley, and our ākonga (students) are very fortunate to have access to this experience. The College is lucky to have secured Andy to teach in this new programme which runs at Year 10-13/14 level. Andy is enjoying teaching both girls and boys and his ākonga come with a diverse range of skills which make for a challenging and highly differentiated teaching style.

Andy loves cooking, cycling, motorbiking around the Port Hills and just having the easy access to nature that Christchurch enables. Andy has settled into the College well and we wish him a long and happy association with Hagley.

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