by Leoni Combrink
Jenni Holden — February 16, 2018
There are a number of important events happening at Hagley College this term.
Hagley College will be closed for instruction for students during the day on the following dates:
Friday, 23rd March
No classes for Year 9 & 10 students (Year 11-13 and all After 3 classes run as usual)
Junior College Profile Meetings
Friday 30th March, Monday 2nd April, Tuesday 3rd April
No classes for any students
Easter Friday, Monday & Tuesday
Other key dates on the Term 1 school calendar are:
· Tuesday, 27th Febuary Junior (Year 9 & 10) Meet the Teacher Evening, 5pm - 8pm (click here for details).
· Thursday, 15th March Senior (Year 11-13) Meet the Teacher Evening, 5pm - 8pm (click here for details).
If you have any queries about any of these events, please contact the school on 379 3090.