Hagley Clubs and Activities

Leoni CombrinkFebruary 7, 2018

Struggling to know what to do with your interval and lunchtimes? Join a club or activity! We are fielding a few requests from parents and students about what we have available in terms of clubs and activities at Hagley. Here is a summary of what we currently offer. There is quite a selection! If you can help out with offering anything in the way of clubs and activities we would love to hear from you.

Clubs & Activities for 2018

This list may change as new clubs & activities are added. Keep an eye on student notices for any changes.

Club/Activity - Teacher,  Day & Time, Venue

Maths Tutoring - Angela, Monday Lunch, Rm 403

Juggling Club - Angela, Thursday Lunch, Gym 2 Annex

Horticulture Club - Carol, Wednesday Lunch, Hort Shed

Chess Club - Tony, Wednesday Lunch, Rm 306

Young Leaders @ Hagley - Rowan, Tuesday Lunch, G4

Spirit of Adventure - Kay, as needed

Creative Writing - Faith, Thursday 3pm, W3

Environment Group - Dave, Friday Lunch, G4

Theatre Sports - Brendon, Wed Lunch & Thurs 3pm,  X8

CV Help - Kim, Wednesday Lunch, Careers Room

Learners Licence Help - Kim, Thursday Lunch, Careers Room

Anime / Manga Club - Tina, Wednesday Lunch, Deans Office

Book Club - Liz, Tuesday Lunch, Library

Textiles Tutorials - Robyn, Friday Lunch, H2

LGBTQ+ Club - Leanne / Lisa, Monday Lunch,  O1 

Sport - Summer & Winter - Clint & Mikey, Mon/Wed

Kapa Haka - Regan, Thursday Lunchtime, Whare

Organised Recreation - Mikey, Tuesday Lunch, Gym 1

Debating - Thursday Lunch, Rm 103

Film Club - Naomi, Wednesday 3pm, X5

Tramping Club - Jenny, as required

Formal Committee - Jenny,  Term 2&3

Board Riders Club - Kim,  Tuesday Lunch, Careers

Choir - Annabel, Monday 2:45pm & Wednesday 8:30am, X4

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