Leadership Camp Students 2018 by Jenny O'Sullivan

Year 13 Inaugural Leadership Development Camp

Jenny O'SullivanFebruary 19, 2018

Thanks to the 23 stunning Year 13 students, along with the 8 dedicated Hagley staff, that spent the last few days of the school summer holidays on the Year 13 Inaugural Leadership Development Camp at Hanmer Springs.

The camp was held from January 24th - 26th, 2018.  All agree it was definitely worth it -  a great trip with moments shared that shall be talked about for years to come. "I pass the shoe from me to you, it never stops, it keeps on going…”. The fun games led by Anna H, “Giants, Wizards and Gnomes” enjoyed by all, and the students' sharing of ideas and participation. We were very impressed with students being overall fabulous and very inclusive of each other. It was a privilege just being there. Watch this space as I am sure there shall be a lot to report as we see this wonderful group of students emerging and taking on opportunities as young leaders at Hagley and in the community. 

To Year 12 students: I challenge you to talk to those who went on the camp, to step up and come along to camp yourself next year. Going by what happened in 2018, you won't be disappointed - before camp, some students felt unsure, but after the camp, students were happier, more confident, motivated and connected. If any student would like to be more involved in leadership during 2018 please join the Leadership Club. See Rowan for more information.

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