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Photo by Office - Te Rā School

School Survey: Have a Say!

Office - Te Rā School —

We are seeking your feedback on our way of reporting about learning and wellbeing of our ākonga to you, their parents and caregivers. It has been fabulous to receive so many responses within a short time. Many thanks to those who have replied already! If you have not had your say yet - please let us know using the link below.

Parents/caregivers of Classes 1-7 are warmly invited to complete a very short survey for us - should only take a few minutes.

The way class teachers report to you about your children's learning and wellbeing has changed, along with the reporting timeframes. Class teachers will continue to collaborate to fine-tune the new processes and formats to make this as informative and useful as possible. Your feedback will help us with this.
We look forward to hearing your feedback - here's the link once more!