Kōrero from the Caretaker

Jason Grundy —

Some of you have been asking for the Working Bee dates to be published sooner, so here they are: Saturday 29 July and Saturday 25 November. 9:30am to 2pm - I look forward to seeing you! Please read on for some more information about Working Bees and update on the school grounds.

Working Bees

Come along for as long as you are able. There will be a board up with a range of jobs that need doing. Keep an eye out for an email leading up to the working bee in case there are some particular tools or skills we are needing to come along. 

Food for Working Bees

We have received feedback that people are really missing being catered for. At times of tight budgets, we can provide snacks, but would love to hear from you if you would be keen to be involved in supporting us with this - please contact me at jasong@tera.school.nz to have a chat.

Grounds Update

As you will all be aware the school grounds are again suffering some what due to the wet weather, indeed some areas are back under water. While we are working with Council and the Trust to develop a long term solution to this problem, it does mean that at times we are having to limit access to certain areas. You may have seen that the Pentagon, for example is loosing quite a bit of grass cover. While our gardening team and I make every effort to keep all areas accessible, please bear with us as we attempt to manage our lovely grounds as needed through the winter months.