Hero photograph
Photo credited to Rachel Dickinson
Photo by Tash- Te Rā School

Fundraising Group

Fundraising Group - Te Rā School —

Exciting news from the fundraising group, We would like to announce that the fair made close to $15,000 profit for 2023. Thank you to each and every one of you that made this possible.

The money from this year's fundraising efforts has been tagged to kindergarten. Often the kindergarten doesn't reap the benefits of money raised at the fair and this time round it is their turn. They do not receive ministry funding for equipment, buildings and maintenance so this money will specifically be going towards improving the garden areas with new play equipment and an extension of the Riroriro fence.

We will be taking further requests for other projects to action throughout the year, please email fundraising@tera.school.nz if you have a request.

We would like to form a fundraising working group. Please let us know if you are interested in being part of smaller scale fundraising projects throughout the year, for example, Te Rāwhiti/Te Rā Cookbook, School calendars, garden mulch raffles, and any other ideas most welcome.

Please contact Tash at enrolments@tera.school.nz if you would like to be a part of this working group or lead a particular project.