Raumati Schools Bike Bus - Registration of interest
Raumati Schools Bike Bus - Registration of interest
You may have heard that Raumati is planning to introduce a Bike Bus programme. These will be daily, supervised cycle rides that travel along set routes to collect students on their way to school and just like a bus it will follow the same route at the same time every day and students join it along the way.
It will be a safe, simple and fun way to get to school and students arrive refreshed and ready to learn. If you are unsure how our Raumati Bike Bus may work then check out this video of a Bike Bus scheme in Ireland - ours may be a bit different - but you'll get the idea. Our Bike Bus is being planned by Kāpiti Cycle Action and has received funding from the Raumati Community Board and Kāpiti Coast District Council to get it started.
Each Bike Bus needs two things - students and parent (or caregiver)/volunteer marshals. Suitable training will be provided free of charge at school in November for everyone who wants to take part, and once set up that we'll be looking for some volunteers to take over the day-to-day running of it.
The plan is for the Bike Bus to start operating at the start of next term, with a couple of exciting activities arranged later this term. So, whether you are a parent, student or a local volunteer we invite you to complete this registration of interest form. It does not commit you to be part of the Raumati Bike Bus, but it will enable planning for the Bike Bus and stay in contact with you.
Link to Registration Form https://forms.gle/g4FsEPESVr4571rx5
For more information contact Richard on BikeBusRaumati@gmail.com