Totara Team Updates
Only 4 weeks to go! We have been very busy in the Totara Team with Athletics, Puberty Talks and Bigfoot Cycle.
A few reminders...
Summer is here so all children must wear a hat during morning tea and lunchtimes. The pool is open at lunchtimes and for class swimming.
Homework continues to be spelling words, reading every night and learning our times tables and basic facts. Remember to access our team site to find out any homework information.
In classes we continue our focus on sustainability. Our maths focus is Algebra and Number. Our literacy is linked to our learning around sustainability. Some classes are also working on writing and performing plays. Children are continuing their genius hour projects and look forward to sharing these with you at Fiafia Day!
Athletics day was a great success. Thanks to all the parents who showed up and supported both the children and teachers. All children will be participating in class swimming once it is warm enough. It is important for children to participate in class swimming unless there is a valid reason. Please send a note to your child's teacher if your child is unable to swim.
Please check out our new Grey Lynn TV Show the children are running. Look below to watch previous episodes.
As part of the Totara Team teacher's study at Mindlab we were introduced to the board game Market Share. This was originally designed for high school and university students but can be played as young as Year 5 and 6. It encourages strategic and mathematical thinking along with helping the children to understand the many aspects of running a small or larger business. Room 11 played the game with many budding businessmen and women. They enjoyed the game so much many of their parents ended up purchasing the game. Nick the creator of Market Share even came to talk to Room 11 and play the game with Room 11 and some other Totara students. Watch the video below.
Year 6 Graduation: This year we will not be asking for donations of lollies for our lolly leis, instead we are asking for a small koha that will be put towards the Year 6's leaving gift. Francine one of our Year 6 parents will also be selling individual photos of the Year 6's. A separate notice will be sent notifying Year 6 parents when these are available. The individual photos are this Friday.
Important team dates for this term:
Year 6 Leaving Assembly: 8th December
Reports go home: 14th December